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Month: July 2020

How Sitting can Damage Your Health

The key to a healthy lifestyle is making healthy food choices and staying active, right? While that seems like an easy goal to achieve, we all know that life gets in the way. If you work at a job that doesn’t allow you to get enough movement or your schedule doesn’t make time for working out, living an active lifestyle can be difficult. You may have heard that sitting is the new smoking, but just how does sitting affect your health?

4 signs you’re eating too much sugar

Let’s face it; sugar is tasty…and it’s everywhere! Even hidden in foods where you may not expect to find it. While it may be hard to avoid completely, if you’re mindful about the amount of sugar you’re eating, your body will thank you. So here’s 4 signs that you may be eating too much sugar.

How to stay hydrated in the summer heat

Whether you love the summer sun or you hibernate through until cooler temperatures are here, we all know the importance of staying hydrated in the summer heat to keep our bodies healthy and functioning. This is especially important if you have a job or hobby that puts you up close and personal with the heat on a day to day basis.

4 Reasons you should take a break

I know you’re busy. You rush through your days and probably right now have numerous browsers open or are only halfway reading this because you have so much on your mind. That’s life in the world we live in. But did you know that taking a break is far more beneficial than just a few minutes of downtime?