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Month: October 2021

5 Ways to Turn Your Halloween Party into a Spa Party

It’s that time of year. Fall, family gatherings, fellowship, and food are all things that make the last few months of the year a favorite for so many. Halloween parties are always super fun, but you can always guess what to expect at them. Here are 5 tips to make your Halloween party into a spa party and stand out, while giving yourself some extra TLC in the process.

Frozen Shoulder and Massage: Ways to Relieve Pain

We all know that massage therapy can be a great way to relieve pain and tension, but a frozen shoulder is actually one of the best reasons you should go for a regular session. Frozen shoulder happens when your rotator cuff muscles tighten up and cause an inflammation of the joint capsule. Many people don’t realize they have frozen shoulder until it’s too late because there are no symptoms at first or they mistake them for something else like arthritis. This blog post will help you learn more about frozen shoulder and what massage therapy can do to help!

The Benefits of Massage After a Rotator Cuff Injury

When an injury occurs it is important to treat the area correctly to avoid further damage and to allow for proper healing of the injured area. Massage can be a way to do this as well as help with scar tissue build-up around the rotator cuff. If done properly massage can reduce pain, stiffness, and inflammation.

Got Shoulder Pains?

Shoulder pain is a complex issue that can stem from several different factors, but the most common are muscular injuries caused by stress or overuse. Massage can help with these issues in two ways: 1) By increasing blood flow it eases strained muscles and encourages healing, and 2) It helps release tension in the body which ultimately decreases pain.