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knee pain

How Massage Can Help With Knee Pain

Knee pain is a very common problem, affecting people of all ages. There are many causes of knee pain, including arthritis, injuries, and inflammation. Knee pain can make it difficult to move and perform everyday tasks. However, massage therapy may be able to help. Massage has been shown to improve joint function, reduce inflammation, and ease pain.

Exercises for Knee Pain

Did you know that 18 million people each year see a doctor for knee pain? While there are a larger number of people who experience knee pain as they get older, there are quite a few causes that have nothing to do with age. Runner’s knee (which also affects those who participate in activities that require repetitive bending), Osgood-Schlatter disease (which is found in children & adolescents), chondromalacia patella (the softening and breakdown of the cartilage on the underside of the kneecap), and osteoarthritis are all common causes of knee pain. While in some situations, surgery is a necessity, there are certain exercises you can perform to help strengthen your knees as well as keep pain at bay.