Texas Massage Academy Blog

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Year: 2020

Massage Etiquette

There seems to be a lot of unspoken etiquettes involved when receiving a massage. For those who’ve had numerous massages, this may be well understood. However, for those who haven’t received massage regularly, you may feel a bit intimidated or overwhelmed by all the questions running through your head about it all.

Why is an intake form necessary?

For many, the idea of massage as healthcare is still a foreign concept, so often it’s not understood why massage therapists require all clients to fill out a health/intake form. However, this is a very important part of how we…

Tips to Get the Most from Your Massage

For many, massage therapy is considered a very important part of their health care; and as such, needs to be taken seriously. While a massage will surely feel amazing, there’s a few things you can do to make sure you’re getting the most benefit from those sessions.

All About Postpartum Massage

Having a baby puts your body through a tremendous amount of physical and emotional stress, to say the least. Many women take such good care of their bodies while they’re pregnant, and then once the baby arrives, they’re all but forgotten with the demands of motherhood.

The What & Why of Prenatal Massage

Pregnancy can be difficult, physically and emotionally, even in the healthiest of pregnancies. This is a time when a woman’s body is undergoing an enormous amount of stress and change, and a time when self-care is of utmost importance. So why should you get regular massage therapy throughout your pregnancy?

The Benefits of Skin-to-Skin Contact for Newborns

When it comes to a new baby, whether you have previous children or not, many people have the same fears. Nurturing another human being whose life depends on you is a big deal, and regardless of how much preparation you attempt, you will always feel a little bit of fear in your capabilities.

Massage is for Everybody!

There’s no denying we’re in a difficult time. Not only are we dealing with a silent, invisible enemy, but we’re also seeing division among people on an extreme scale. My goal is to educate the public on the inclusivity of…

What is Neuropathy & Can Massage Help?

Neuropathy refers to any condition that causes a dysfunction of the nerves, typically caused by some sort of damage, such as that associated with decreased circulation, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, or localized trauma. Most often, the area affected will have sensations of tingling, numbness, shooting pains, weakness, and/or a heavy feeling. While neuropathy can happen anywhere, you’ll usually hear this term interchanged with one that is actually a bit more specific; peripheral neuropathy. Peripheral neuropathy refers specifically to neuropathy that affects the hands and feet, which may or may not move its way up toward the trunk.

What You Need to Know About the Rotator Cuff

The rotator cuff is a group of muscles whose job is to keep the head of your upper-arm bone (humerus) in your shoulder socket. It also aids in the raising, lowering, and rotating of your arm, keeping the shoulder stable and safe throughout these movements. There are 4 muscles that make up your rotator cuff; supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis.

Shoulder Impingement

Shoulder impingement, also known as subacromial impingement or swimmer’s shoulder, is caused when the tendons of the rotator cuff become trapped as they pass through the narrow bony channel known as the subacromial space. This little tunnel in the shoulder normally allows those tendons to slide back and forth with no restriction as you move your arm. However, repetitive use of the shoulder, more specifically repetitive overhead movement