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Year: 2020

How to stay hydrated in the summer heat

Whether you love the summer sun or you hibernate through until cooler temperatures are here, we all know the importance of staying hydrated in the summer heat to keep our bodies healthy and functioning. This is especially important if you have a job or hobby that puts you up close and personal with the heat on a day to day basis.

4 Reasons you should take a break

I know you’re busy. You rush through your days and probably right now have numerous browsers open or are only halfway reading this because you have so much on your mind. That’s life in the world we live in. But did you know that taking a break is far more beneficial than just a few minutes of downtime?

How Stress Affects Your Body

We all wear many hats in our busy lives. Whether you work or stay home, have children or don’t, own a business or work for someone else, if you’re human, you have stress. Period. It’s an unavoidable part of life. And while you may feel the emotional weight of all that stress, the anxiety, depression, and negative thoughts most often associated with it, stress can also take a huge toll on your body.

How to Prevent Back Pain While Gardening

This is the time of the year that all gardeners love. Whether it’s flowers or herbs, vegetables or fruit, gardeners are in their element right now. But that also means, it’s the time of year for a lot of work….

Effective Ways to Ease Your Stress

While it’s only natural to experience some sort of stress in life, the problem with this particular emotion is that it can negatively affect your health, if it’s allowed to accumulate over time.

Creating Balance in Your Life

Balance in life is something that we all seek, but many struggle to find. We all wear so many hats; employee, spouse, parent, friend, child, volunteer, the list goes on. While many of these hats bring us immense joy, they also bring us a feeling of stress and failure when we aren’t able…

6 Best Hip Exercises for Runners

Whether you’re an avid runner, or it’s just a workout routine you force yourself to do, it shouldn’t be the only exercise you get in. When you’re running, you’re generally working within a single plane of movement – flexion and extension. This can create some imbalances within the hips and legs, making you more prone to injury.

3 Stretches to Loosen Your Hips in Less than 5 minutes

Many people struggle with tight hips, sometimes resulting in low back and leg pain, whether we make that connection or not. It may happen for you only occasionally or very frequently. You may think that it takes 30 minutes of stretching to loosen them up, but it doesn’t have to be that difficult. Here are 3 stretches you can do in 5 minutes to loosen those tight hips up when you are in a pinch. Remember, you should feel a slight pull and stretch within the muscles you’re focused on, but it shouldn’t feel painful

What’s the Deal with Muscle Cramps?

Summer is almost here and for many of us, that means we’re going to be doing a lot more physical activities. Walking, hiking, water sports, garden chores, and generally just getting outside to do more. All that physical activity can often mean that we feel a new array of aches and pains; one of those being muscle cramps. A muscle cramp is a painful involuntary muscle contraction. There are many causes, but the most common include electrolyte imbalance, overexertion, and dehydration.

5 Tips to Prevent Shoulder Injuries

Did you know that shoulder injuries are one of the most common injuries seen in an orthopedic practice? If you play a sport, exercise, or have a job that requires repetitive overhead motions you’re at a higher risk of shoulder injury. Here are 5 tips to avoid shoulder injuries.