Why Should You Get A Massage?
A lot of us are lucky enough to be in a position where we can take care of ourselves. We do our best to eat healthy, get plenty of exercise, and when it comes time for that yearly check-up with the doctor, well you’re sure not skipping out on any appointments! But what about your body? It’s so important to maintain balance in your life and if there is one area that might need some work it’s probably the muscles. Getting a massage will help relax all those sore spots so you can feel better both mentally and physically. What are you waiting for?! Let’s look at some reasons why you should get a massage.
Massage tips for lowering stress
Massages are known to be an effective treatment for stress relief. Here are some ways people can maximize the benefits of regular massages.
6 Benefits of Massage Therapy
Massages are not only good for relaxation purposes but they can also be used to help with pain relief in some instances. Specific massage techniques can be beneficial in the treatment of muscle-related problems like tension headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, lower back pain, and plantar fasciitis.
Frozen Shoulder and Massage: Ways to Relieve Pain
We all know that massage therapy can be a great way to relieve pain and tension, but a frozen shoulder is actually one of the best reasons you should go for a regular session. Frozen shoulder happens when your rotator cuff muscles tighten up and cause an inflammation of the joint capsule. Many people don’t realize they have frozen shoulder until it’s too late because there are no symptoms at first or they mistake them for something else like arthritis. This blog post will help you learn more about frozen shoulder and what massage therapy can do to help!
Got Shoulder Pains?
Shoulder pain is a complex issue that can stem from several different factors, but the most common are muscular injuries caused by stress or overuse. Massage can help with these issues in two ways: 1) By increasing blood flow it eases strained muscles and encourages healing, and 2) It helps release tension in the body which ultimately decreases pain.
How Massage Can Help With Shoulder Impingement Syndrome.
prolonged arm positioning. This condition can go undiagnosed if the pain isn’t bad enough; however, if left untreated, this can lead to more severe issues such as rotator cuff tears, tendonitis, and reduced range of motion (Fisher-Wellman et al., 2013).
What is Chair Massage
Chair massage was introduced in the 1980s, and while it had a slow start, it has since become a staple in the massage profession. You’re now able to stop and get a quick 10 or 15 minute chair massage at…
Massage & Cancer
A cancer diagnosis is scary. There’s no other way to say it. And the treatments can sometimes be as scary as the disease itself. Chemo, radiation, and surgeries can have intense side effects, some that last a lifetime. Many cancer…
Massage for Digestive Issues
Digestive problems can be tough to deal with. Not only does it feel uncomfortable, but depending on the symptoms, may be embarrassing. Add that to the frustration of finding a remedy, and no one is very happy when fighting this particular battle. You may have tried over-the-counter or even prescription medications, but there is an alternative that many people don’t consider; massage. Massage of the abdominal area has been shown to improve digestive function.
Relief for PTSD found in Massage Therapy
Life is such a peculiar thing. We experience moments of joy, beauty, happiness, strength, sadness, pain, and fear just to name a few. We never know when our lives can change whether it be for the better or for the worse. Within that there are people who have survived some of the most traumatizing situations, some on a literal battlefield some on a very different kind of battlefield. Years ago, PTSD wasn’t recognized or really understood. People went about their days putting on a brave face while dealing with something internally on their own, because that is what they were taught to do. Showing that you were struggling was considered a sign of weakness. What we didn’t know then was that being open and honest about your struggles is the complete opposite. Being able to open up to another about an experience that you have went through, that caused you harm, pain, or fear is one of the hardest things a person can do. Opening yourself up to show your vulnerabilities and fears takes a lot of guts and shouldn’t be looked upon lightly. According to the National Center for PTSD, 7.7 million people in the United States alone suffer from PTSD, and that is just the cases that are reported. PTSD can impact one’s life causing them anxiety, depression, and negative thoughts. It’s almost like being in a jail where the worst moments of your life continue to be replayed repeatedly and you have no control over the television.