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Why you Shouldn’t Foam Roll Your IT Band

Foam rolling for recovery is something you see quite frequently when at the gym and is often promoted in workout videos, blogs, and magazines. Almost as soon as someone completes an intense lifting session or workout, it’s not out of the ordinary to see them run over to their foam roller in an attempt to prevent soreness the next day. While foam rolling certainly does have its benefits such as shortening the recovery time and increased range of motion, there are a few things you need to be cautious of before pulling that foam roller out.

How Exercise Improves Bone Health

It’s a well-known fact that regular exercise improves your overall health, but did you know it can be even more beneficial for those with concerns about bone health? It’s been shown that exercise that puts some stress on the bone can increase bone mineral density (BMD) and reduce fractures even in women who have already been diagnosed with osteoporosis.

Massage is for Everybody!

There’s no denying we’re in a difficult time. Not only are we dealing with a silent, invisible enemy, but we’re also seeing division among people on an extreme scale. My goal is to educate the public on the inclusivity of…

Benefits of Regular Stretching

While many people may associate stretching with their workouts, loosening up before or cooling down after, it’s actually a very beneficial practice to get into every single day regardless of your workout routine. Whether it’s first thing in the morning, every hour or two throughout your day, or winding down before bed, taking a few minutes to stretch and release the tension in your muscles can help you to move and feel better.

Tips to Ease Neck Pain

Neck pain is common and there’s a variety of things that can cause it. You may have just slept wrong and tried to turn your head a certain way only to feel some pretty sharp pain; then you’re stuck walking around all day barely able to turn to the side. You may have been hunched over at your desk all day, or done some exercise that didn’t quite agree with you. Whatever the cause, it’s no fun. Of course, a massage session here will help, but there are some things you can do in the meantime to ease that pain.

6 Best Hip Exercises for Runners

Whether you’re an avid runner, or it’s just a workout routine you force yourself to do, it shouldn’t be the only exercise you get in. When you’re running, you’re generally working within a single plane of movement – flexion and extension. This can create some imbalances within the hips and legs, making you more prone to injury.