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So, you are interested in possibly becoming a student at Texas Massage Academy. That is great news! You have come to the right spot to get some answers to your questions. First, let me give you our current catalog. (CLICK HERE)
When is the next class?
Our next day class starts on February 7th. Class meets Monday to Thursday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.
For our next evening class it will start on April 25th. You will attend class on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm.
How long does class take?
Evening classes only meet for 12 hours a week so it will take approximately a year and 3 to 4 months depending upon holidays.
Day classes meet 24 hours a week nd they take approximately 7 months to complete.
What happens if I’m sick or have a vacation planned?
Of course, you don’t have to be here every class, but the state requires that you attend all hours of coursework (The number depends on the program you choose). So, if you miss a day or part of a day, you are required to make it up. We offer makeup days and hours, but we charge $18 per hour so it can get pricey to miss. Not only are you having to pay twice for coursework,
We do have some scheduled days off, but for the most part, we want you to be able to get done as fast as possible, so we only take off for New Years Day, Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. But we only take those days off if they fall on a class day.
There are a few makeup days built into each semester so, if you don’t miss, you will get a little break on those days.
Speaking of Semesters, how is class broken down?
Each semester takes approximately 5.5 months for night class and 2.5 months for day class.
Semester I – You will spend your days between the class and lab. During this time you will learn everything you need to know to perform the different types of massages as well as spa services.
Semester II – This semester is your internship. Depending upon which program you choose, you will either have 50, 120, or 225 hours of actual hands-on time with clients performing services. You will have a little more freedom during this semester to pick your schedule. We offer shift opportunities between 6 and 10 pm during the week and on some Saturdays. If you complete all of your internship hours before the semester ends, you will have a little break before returning for the final semester. During your internship, you will be building your hand skills which will help you in your third semester.
Can I perform those massages somewhere else?
Unfortunately, no, all services must be performed here on site. Also, please note that the state does not allow students to receive any type of compensation, this includes tips, gratuities, monetary donations, etc.
Semester III – Your final semester. This semester goes back to the class and lab and resumes either your day or your night schedule. This time is spent learning some advanced techniques such as an
You mentioned something about different hours or different programs?
We offer 3 different programs. Check out this link to get more info on the differences between the programs. Click Here
So, if I do the shorter program will I get done sooner?
The way our program is set up, you won’t finish any sooner by enrolling in the core program. If you do choose the core program, you will finish your internship sooner and have a longer break between semester II and III.
Are there any other costs?
You will need to purchase books and supplies. Your first semester books and supplies that are required cost $287.33 if you purchase them from us but I recommend purchasing from Amazon. Click here to see everything you need. You will also need scrubs, they are $20.00+ depending on the brand you get, twin sheet sets, you can find cheap ones at Walmart or Big Lots for $5.00 to $10.00 a set, and then pens, pencils, highlighters, etc. The books for semester III cost approximately $160.00.
Now what?
I would love to show you around the school and answer any more questions that you might have. You can give us a call at 325.646.4272 or click here and book your tour or enrollment online.
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I hope that I answered some of the frequently asked questions out there that might help you. Did I miss a big question that you have about Texas Massage Academy? Ask below in the comments and I will get it answered for you!!
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