WARNING!! Why Your Friends Don’t Want You to Go to Massage School
If you’re considering enrolling in a massage school, you’re likely wondering if it’s the right decision. And while there are many benefits to becoming a massage therapist, your friends may not be so keen on the idea – here’s why.
You can’t make money as an LMT!
OMG!!! You would not believe how many times I have heard this statement. Massage therapy can be a very profitable field, but if you do it wrong it won’t be. I’m going to bust some myths about making money as a massage therapist.
Being a Student is Stressful!!
School stressing you out? Here are some tips to help with self-care to take the stress out of being a student.
Habits You Should Start Your Very First Day In Massage School
Ok, you’ve done it. You’ve signed up for massage school! But how can you be successful? It has been years since you were in school or you struggled with school. Well, I have got some tips to help you kick a** in massage school from the very first day that you should turn into daily habits.
Can’t you just learn massage from YouTube?
Is learning to be a massage therapist over the internet the best way? Find out more information here.
How Massage Can Help With Knee Pain
Knee pain is a very common problem, affecting people of all ages. There are many causes of knee pain, including arthritis, injuries, and inflammation. Knee pain can make it difficult to move and perform everyday tasks. However, massage therapy may be able to help. Massage has been shown to improve joint function, reduce inflammation, and ease pain.
Massage Ideas For Your Loved Ones
Massage can be a great gift for anyone. It reduces stress, improves mood and mental clarity, increases muscle strength and flexibility, boosts immunity, decreases aches and pains in the body, relieves back pain or headache tension. With so many benefits to offer why not try giving your loved ones a massage that they might enjoy. Here are some ideas for you to take into consideration when thinking of gift-giving!
5 Tips for Managing Holiday Stress
It’s that time of year again. A time of celebration, family gatherings, holiday parties, gifting, traveling, and most of all, excitement. While many of us are thrilled and looking forward to the holiday season, that excitement is generally accompanied by STRESS. Stress to pick out the perfect dish, give the perfect gift, maintain a spotless house, show up to every party, and decorate our homes like Martha Stewart. So here’s a few tips to help you keep your holiday stress under control, so you can enjoy what the holidays are truly about.
Take Time for YOU During the Holidays
Every year around the holidays we’re reminded that it’s a time for us to put others before ourselves. But many of us tend to take that to an extreme and often put even our most basic needs, like exercise and sleep, to the side for the season. While it is important to always think of others’ needs as well as our own, we can’t forget that we aren’t able to fulfill anyone else’s needs if we ourselves are empty inside. It’s important to give and do these good deeds from a place of happiness. Doing for others and giving to others really does make you happy. However, if I have neglected my needs so much that I am running on empty, the place where I begin to give to others shifts from a place of happiness, to a place that may breed resentment. This doesn’t mean that those that I am giving to have done anything wrong; but rather that I can equate myself giving them something that I’m not giving to myself, almost as if I’m not worthy or my needs don’t matter.
Gift Basket Ideas That Won’t Break The Bank
Who doesn’t love giving or receiving a gift during the holidays? I live for the look on someone’s face when they receive a gift that I put a lot of thought into. It makes me feel happy when I know I’ve gotten it right. But what do you do when you need a gift for someone who already has everything, or you’re low on funds? Here are a few unique gift ideas to give to those you care about without breaking the bank.